Love, I thought to myself abstractedly. Not 'This is love' or 'Is this love?' Not a sentence, not a certainty, not a thought with moving parts or dir….
In the bedroom time I have generated thoughts, and then in the studio I take those thoughts and try to shape them into something..
I tell you, the economy is in bad shape. In fact, the economy is so bad, President Barack Obama's new slogan is 'Spare Change You Can Believe In.'.
When somebody listens and laughs, you're always in better shape than when you're with those folks who just kind of look at you when you say something….
Once you'd resolved to go, there was nothing to it at all..
Fixing markets isn't enough. We have to actively shape and create them and tilt the playing field in the direction of the growth we want..
The materials shape your idea..
In a plan of life based on nonviolence, woman has as much right to shape her own destiny as man has to shape his..
There is nothing constant in the universe. All ebb and flow, and every shape that's born, bears in its womb the seeds of change..
For the deeds of a man, not the words of a prophecy, are what shape his destiny..
I was delighted to be able to do the movie ["Terminator: Genisys"] without getting exhausted or feeling old or tired or anything like this. I felt I ….
But my estimates, for instance, based upon book information, were simply ridiculous, fanciful images of African attractions were soon dissipated, ant….
I go back to Robert Reich and his appearance on [George] Stephanopoulos' show. The Democrat Party has not been in this bad a shape since the 1920s..
I try to stay in decent shape..
We simply rob ourselves when we make presents to the dead..
My relationship to eating, my relationship to critiquing my own shape, all of that has changed since I've started viewing my body much more as a tool….
The female covers her breasts, and then proceeds to redefine their shape with a brassiere. This sexual signaling device may be padded or inflatable, ….
I don't call myself a writer..
I learn a lot; what I learn cannot be expressed in words..
We never get so near God as when we plead for others..
The composition happens as the work progresses. Often the messy background makes it easy to disperse shapes as needed. I'd rather it took over me tha….