A poem should be wordless As the flight of birds..
Any artist manages his own business along with his manager. Every band should..
Are you on drugs?" "No." "Maybe you should be..
Biography should be written by an acute enemy..
The perversion of the mind is only possible when those who should be heard in its defence are silent..
If we are true, if we can love, if we have vision, if we can have courage, we can, we should, we ought to, we will..
But authors before they write should read..
Good theater should always send people away feeling changed..
How often I have found that we grow to maturity not by doing what we like, but by doing what we should. How true it is that not every 'should' is a c….
I am persecuted because of my writings, I think, therefore, that I should write some more..
Why should insurance companies continue to get away with limiting the skills that a health profession has always previously required of its members i….
Young ladies should take care of themselves. Young ladies are delicate plants. They should take care of their health and their complexion. My dear, d….
I can really stomach anything so, as a result, I have watched a lot of really disgusting stuff that I should probably never have seen..
What I believe is that we should defend life..
People do not change when you tell them they should; they change when they tell themselves they must..
Time is our most precious asset, we should invest it wisely..
By the second sentence of a pitch, the entirety of the story should be explained..
Hanging is too good for a man who makes puns; he should be drawn and quoted..
Smiling babies should actually be categorized by the pharmaceutical industry as a powerful antidepressant..
If we never met again in our lives I should feel that somehow the whole adventure of existence was justified by my having met you..
Husbands shouldn't be the last to know. Husbands should never know!.