I cannot explain something that no one has ever figured out..
I have tried to live very quietly, so I could be happy..
I would like to work with whoever would like to have me..
Many of my lyrics are about having sex with prostitutes..
If you want to take down your opponent, you do it tactically, point by point..
Change works most effectively when started from the inside.
Unless one is happy, one cannot bestow happiness on others..
There is so much Everything that Nothing is hidden quite nicely.
Farrah Fawcett had courage, she had strength, and she had faith..
I'm a woman of the '90s..
You have to picturize, prayerize and actualize..
It is indeed possible for those who have the will, courage and faith..
Is anything accidental?.
Picturize, prayerize, actualize..
I'm going to escape now..
There was so much that you could do, instead of looking for things that you couldn't do..
Possibilitas tua mensura tua'(What is possible to you is what you will be measured by)..
I'll assure you this: I will have nothing to do with politics..
Everybody got their something..
The older I get, the older old is..
Times are bad, God is good..