They are the we of me..
actually, adv. Perhaps; possibly..
Twice – Once too often..
I just love to compete.
For things to change, we must change..
Mexicans are quasi-legal..
What is religion? That which is never spoken..
I love a good non sequitur..
That which is measured improves. That which is measured and reported improves exponentially..
Everything takes longer than you expect, even when you expect it to take longer than you expect..
Learn early, learn often..
Everybody comes from somewhere..
Ive had Malcolm since I was 12..
Bacon improved things dramatically..
I am actually nondenominational..
You better get it while you can.
I do to others what they do to me, only worse..
Mend it, fix it, make do, or do without..
[I'm] more German than Irish..
It's kinda all about image..
In short, industrialism is over..