I always had a struggle, which I still do, when you're playing a character and it's not necessarily your morals or your values. You're playing a char….
With the ministry's motto 'Research on a Shoestring' emblazoned on his coat of arms, he has to struggle with a treasury more interested in surtax rel….
Ease and luxury, such as our affluence brings today, do not make for maturity; hardship and struggle however do..
The greatest object in the universe, says a certain philosopher, is a good man struggling with adversity; yet there is still a greater, which is the ….
I came out even with all the struggles I endured on Rikers Island..
Indeed one's faith in one's plans and methods is truly tested when the horizon before one is the blackest..
What's the point anyway - Of suffering, dying? It teaches us to live, boy. A man who does not struggle does not live, he survives..
In a political struggle, never get personal - else the dagger digs too deep..
Winning the war on terrorism will also require a level of moral clarity that can provide a vision for struggling people and nations everywhere..
Armed with the knowledge of our past, we can with confidence charter a course for our future. Culture is an indispensable weapon in the freedom strug….
Unlike films, which can be easily disseminated worldwide via DVDs and the Internet, plays struggle to find an international audience..
The problem being: for years I was struggling - first to prove that I had any talent, then to create some skills and finally to fulfil it reasonably.….
So struggling for work here has been very good for me, but it's also been very hard to handle rejection..
I usually take a walk after breakfast, write for three hours, have lunch and read in the afternoon. Demons don’t like fresh air - they prefer it if y….
[T]he man who, in the concrete pressure of a struggle for national independence by a single people, had the coolness, forecast, and capacity to intro….
Like the bat, the Sufi is asleep to 'things of the day' - the familiar struggle for existence which the ordinary man finds all-important - and vigila….
The Indian struggle is not anti-British, it is anti-exploitation, anti-foreign rule, not anti-foreigners..
Aesthetic value emanates from the struggle between texts: in the reader, in language, in the classroom, in arguments within a society. Aesthetic valu….
If we return to the two faces of individualism - individualism as the spur of energy, initiative, and imagination; and individualism as the limitless….
Self-realization may be and sometimes is attained even by people who are struggling with sick and otherwise imperfect bodies; but it cannot be attain….
Caught between the longing for love, and the struggle for the legal tender, where the sirens sing and the church bells ring, and the junk man pounds ….