For in this century, within the next decades, will be decided for generations whether all mankind is to become Communist, whether the whole world is ….
Either the human being must suffer and struggle as the price of a more searching vision, or his gaze must be shallow and without intellectual revelat….
The best antidote to poverty remains simple - a paycheck. Policies like paid family leave, workplace flexibility and affordable quality childcare can….
I guess that's the upside of not being young anymore... You know from experience that the struggle always leads, in some way, to something better..
While I was writing the book, one of my children was diagnosed with dyslexia. Dyslexia is a very tiny word for a wide-ranging neurological condition ….
Every inch of progress is won in struggle..
Feminist education — the feminist classroom — is and should be a place where there is a sense of struggle, where there is visible acknowledgment of t….
Toni Cade Bambara said: “Writing is the way I participate in the struggle.”.
I was able to not fold and go in a corner because I had my writing as therapy, but also as my tool for struggle..
Fascism, in so far as it considers and observes the future and the development of humanity quite apart from political considerations of the moment, b….
We are only as great as our struggles. We only become who we are in the face of them..
There were days when she was unhappy, she did not know why,--when it did not seem worthwhile to be glad or sorry, to be alive or dead; when life appe….
Great, truly world-shaking revolutions of a spiritual nature are not even conceivable and realizable except as the titanic struggles of individual fo….
In my fantasies, I was always caught up in heroic struggles, and I saw myself saving lives, sacrificing myself for others. I had far loftier ambition….
It's been so long since I've really truly felt what it's like to live life without substances to help. Massive struggle that's natural to one's healt….
Until I was about eighteen, yes [I didn't want to get married]. But not because I felt like a suffragette, but because I wanted to devote all my ener….
The fact that a baby can be born today and condemned to a life of hardship, struggle, and discrimination simply because of sex is enraging..
Although low inflation is generally good, inflation that is too low can pose risks to the economy - especially when the economy is struggling..
I hope what we can talk about is something that happened, you know, within the last 25 years, the things that are relevant to our country right here,….
Many times, a child's struggle against hunger begins before he or she is born because the mother is undernourished. Making sure prenatal care and pro….
In our struggle to restrain the violence and contain the damage, we tend to forget that the human capacity for aggression is more than a monstrous de….