A lot of these movies are informed by the movies that come before them..
She'd hit me before but never over and over and over and over into the head..
When somebody says it’s not about the money, it’s about the money..
It's cool to have it when your money is working for you..
Whatever one intends, the work takes on a life of its own..
There's a lotta things about me you don't know anything about, Dottie. Things you wouldn't understand. Things you couldn't understand. Things you sho….
When success finds you, it's because you were looking for it..
He looked at her Something Turned cancerous He was in love..
I like to go to the movies or read..
I just love to experience things. I would do almost anything once..
I just never really thought there could be something worse than death..
I don't like to read novelizations of movies..
Utiliza el nombre correcto para las cosas. El miedo a un nombre aumenta el miedo a la cosa que se nombra..
To be is to stand for..
Where's the rest of me?.
I've never been baptised..
Stop aspiring. Start doing..
Love doesn't attack; it infiltrates..
Quite definitely a Bingley.
Knowledge makes everything simpler..
Chansons possibles ou impossibles.