Each time is true, but the truths are not the same..
We often do not see what we do not expect to see..
I get sidetracked very easily..
A bet is a bet and I always keep my word in the bet what I do..
Triple tongued is triple named.
Life dosent frighten me at all..
I am certainly a liberal..
I am commanded therefore I am..
What’s working, and how can we do more of it?.
I am many things, but one of the things I am is a lesbian..
Through the Unknown, we'll find the New.
Love finds us where we are, not where we were..
I have no knowledge of anything..
Where ever I am not is the place where I am myself..
I've never been particularly maternal..
Money buys everything, even true love..
Life doesn't come at you. It comes from you..
Just as we are what we eat physically, we are also what we consume spiritually..
Live High, Live Mighty, Live Righteously.
Whatever you're aiming for, God's better..
You are not who others say you are. You are who God says you are..