Today I create a stress-free world for myself..
Today I release the need to blame anyone, including myself..
There's so much that we're doing wrong today. And studies show we're one of three countries that doesn't invest more in disadvantaged communities..
Anti-utopianism continues to suffuse our culture...Today few imagine that society can be fundamentally improved, and those who do are seen as at best….
Truth alone will endure, all the rest will be swept away before the tide of time. I must continue to bear testimony to truth even if I am forsaken by….
I desperately want to see the day today and do the best I can not miss a shred of sunlight. It'll be over before I know it..
Newspapers today have almost replaced the Bible, the Koran, the Gita and other religious scriptures..
If the stock market does go through a crisis of confidence, which I think clearly will happen one of these days, no one can predict just like you cou….
You cannot have development in today's world without partnering with the private sector..
The financial crisis we are facing today arises from the fact that there is almost no more social, cultural, natural, and spiritual capital left to c….
Today we voted as Democrats and Republicans. Tomorrow we begin again as New Yorkers..
My countrymen, I am wholeheartedly thankful to you today for proving that change isn't coming but it has ALREADY COME!.
That will not be the time for choosing: it will be the time when we discover which side we really have chosen, whether we realized it before or not. ….
Dive today from the cliff of what you know into what you can't know..
the choices we made today were templates for the future..
If I fret over tomorrow, I'll have little joy today..
[Donald Trump] needs to take action today before he becomes president so he doesn`t violate the Constitution..
Hinduism is a relentless pursuit of Truth. "Truth is God" and if today it has become moribund, inactive, irresponsive to growth, it is because we are….
If you're teaching today what you were teaching five years ago, either the field is dead or you are..
I look upon England today as an old gentleman who is travelling with a great deal of baggage, trumpery which has accumulated fromlong housekeeping, w….
Frank [Sinatra] sang to you, not at you, like so many pop singers today. Even singers of standards. I never wanted to be a singer that sings at someb….