In its wild state, the truth is fluid, slippery, vagrant, scrambled, promiscuous, kaleidoscopic, and beautiful..
When you are no more identified with your physicality, you become available to Grace..
1492. As children we were taught to memorize this year with pride and joy as the year people began living full and imaginative lives on the continent….
We all see only that which we are trained to see..
You won't see Moonves on Twitter..
If you are telling the truth, then you can speak gently, and your words will have power..
There is nothing to fear from someone who shouts..
He who does not prefer exile to slavery is not free by any measure of freedom, truth and duty..
When you have something to work with, then you fly with it..
Money has to serve, not to rule!.
Downstream is always someone else's up..
Own nothing, control everything..
Do not mistake probability for truth, for it is a notorious liar..
The harder you try to suppress the truth, the more inevitable it is that it will find a way to come out..
We only kill each other.
We are, after all, homo economicus..
There are infinite possibilities of error, and more cranks take up fashionable untruths than unfashionable truths..
Once in a while there are things the brain simply refuses to accept as being true because they appear too improbable, too unlikely, too preposterous..
Life's there to make the most of, and that's what I do..
Your word is your bond, you do what you say you're going to do..
With Carmina Burana, my collected works begin..