Money has to serve, not to rule!.
Downstream is always someone else's up..
Own nothing, control everything..
Do not mistake probability for truth, for it is a notorious liar..
The harder you try to suppress the truth, the more inevitable it is that it will find a way to come out..
We only kill each other.
We are, after all, homo economicus..
There are infinite possibilities of error, and more cranks take up fashionable untruths than unfashionable truths..
Once in a while there are things the brain simply refuses to accept as being true because they appear too improbable, too unlikely, too preposterous..
Life's there to make the most of, and that's what I do..
Your word is your bond, you do what you say you're going to do..
With Carmina Burana, my collected works begin..
Too much truth is uncouth..
The gentleman is a man of truth..
There are no more liberals Theyve all been mugged..
The only rule is there's only one rule: no rules..
There is nothing so strong or safe in an emergency of life as the simple truth..
Love emerges at the point of a lacking word, and one offers one's being to fill the lack..
I never learn my lesson..
You don't spend your money while you're making it. You don't have time..
Failure is an option, fear is not..