I'm not recognised much at all..
Beauty and wisdom are rarely conjoined..
Entrepreneurship rests on a theory of economy and society. The theory sees change as normal and indeed as healthy. And it sees the major task in soci….
Arthur Conan Doyle had to be Sherlock Holmes in order to envision how Sherlock Holmes would unravel a mystery. He had to be in Sherlock's situations.….
But what I didn't recognize when I was much younger was this sort of...when you're on, when you're really on, go at it..
I am the luckiest old broad on two feet if the truth were known. It's - but it all goes back to 'Mary Tyler Moore,' 'Golden Girls,' all those - actor….
When I look in the mirror, I see an ever-unfolding process..
I love IMAX when it works right..
Music is there for us to explore. To intentionally limit yourself to one, two, or three genres is limitation at its worst. Music is huge; its a gigan….
I don't really have one type favorite type of candy. When I was younger we used to always go to the rich neighborhoods where they give out the big ca….
What we choose, changes us. What we love, transforms us..
Baseball without fans is like Jayne Mansfield without a sweater. Hang on, that can be taken two ways..
The world is divided into two classes - invalids and nurses..
Peace is not everything, but without peace, everything is nothing..
It is my hope that I can stand before you in two years and report back that our side, as well as the president's, found within us the ability to set ….
Though we have two eyes, we are supplied with but one tongue. Draw your own moral..
I'd like to do Harvey again. I did it two years ago with Helen Hayes in New York. It was a joy. I was so glad to do it again because I never thought ….
Hold no more stocks than you can remain informed on..
[Hillary Clinton] is giving money to N.I.M.H. [National Institute for Mental Health] ultimately to conduct more experiments on two- to four-year-olds….
To me, fantasy has always been the genre of escape, science fiction the genre of ideas. So if you can escape and have a little idea as well, maybe yo….
We shot that in Morocco, and got out of the country at the beginning of July - and two months later came the attack on Twin Towers. The movie was the….