The Commission's findings underscore that the nation is still vulnerable to attack and that we must move more quickly to make us safer. We must take ….
Vaisey looked like a startled earwig..
I prefer true over happy now..
Nothing can come out of nothing, any more than a thing can go back to nothing..
Anyone who stands on the edge of the unknown, fully in the present without reference point, experiences groundlessness. That's when our understanding….
I'm an extremely vulnerable person. Vulnerability and emotion are very closely linked..
If you don't know you're in a state of grace, then you're vulnerable to the paralysis of the accusations of the enemy..
I am resigning because my secret leaves the governor's office vulnerable..
I don't see how a person can be sensuous - unless they're just, you know, following some kind of script - without being vulnerable..
There's a certain place you want to get to, and in order to do that, you have to be vulnerable..
I'm always attracted to the vulnerable character more than I am the superhero..
Because our agriculture is so spread out, that makes it vulnerable. Our food gets transported a number of times and very widely..
Religion gives us a place to stand outside politics, and without it we're vulnerable to a system in which the state defines everything, which is the ….
Death is an absolute mystery. We are all vulnerable to it, it's what makes life interesting and suspenseful..
This time, I whispered that I loved him too. Then, I silently listed all the reason: I loved him for his gentleness. I loved him for being an amazing….
I am vulnerable; that's why I fight..
What can go wrong will go wrong..
Communication is so much better when people are vulnerable..
You have to have something to put your work in otherwise it's not valid.
It's difficult for most of us to be completely honest with ourselves - we hate to admit how vulnerable or needful we are..
Acting makes me feel vulnerable. Especially depending on the type of emotion I'm portraying in a scene..