There's something really vulnerable about playing something that you like for someone. You don't know what their reaction will be..
Marriage makes a man more vulnerable by doubling the expanse of sail exposed to the tempests of social life..
I feel vulnerable when I am underprepared. This applies to underpreparedness with just about anything, especially work..
Most important and most vulnerable of human emotions; Love..
Unless you know who you are, you will always be vulnerable to what people say..
Faith can be very very dangerous, and deliberately to implant it into the vulnerable mind of an innocent child is a grievous wrong..
The most dangerous country for the U.S. now is Pakistan. ... We haven't been this vulnerable since the British burned Washington in 1814..
If you start from a position of I'm a no-hoper, in a paradoxical kind of way you are not risking being vulnerable..
Silence makes me feel vulnerable..
That's how disagreements always ended with Hugh Hefner; he would just stomp off, and you were left to pick the pieces of your self-worth up off the f….
If a species is diverse, it can survive and prosper. If a species is homogeneous, it is vulnerable..
If we aren’t intersectional, some of us, the most vulnerable, are going to fall through the cracks..
Why can't women get along? Because we're afraid. We're afraid to be vulnerable. We're afraid to be soft. We're afraid to be hurt. But most of all, we….
I'm really vulnerable onstage because it's just me. I'm not really trying to put up a front or act a certain way..
The more refined and subtle our minds, the more vulnerable they are..
A prisoner unaware is the kind of prisoner most vulnerable to her captors, the easiest prey there is..
Everyone is vulnerable who is at once gifted and gregarious..
Don't let anyone see your vulnerable spots. Once they knew how to hurt you, they would do it again and again..
Feel this moment, see it with a willingness to experience it deeply, whether it be good, bad, or indifferent. Emotionally and feelingly be fully pres….
It’s important to be fearless yet vulnerable. It takes courage to do both..
To be alive is to be vulnerable..