Passion always finds a way. Follow your passion and everything else will work out..
Uncertain ways unsafest are, and doubt a greater mischief than despair..
Optimism and happiness are not the same thing, but they are becoming interchangeable, and it seemed to me that Voltaire's Candide gave me a way into ….
If as an environmentalist we are against anything... it is against the arrogance of power and the most obcene ways it shows up, which is in greed..
People only change when it becomes too dangerous to stay the way they are..
Deconstruction is not meant to be a soft sighing for the future, but a way of deciding now and being impassioned in a moment..
Take time today to pause every now and then, take a deep breath of that moment, and know that God loves you. He will whisper "I love you" in a 1000 d….
My claim is simply that the literary approach is one necessary way to read and interpret the Bible, an approach that has been unjustifiably neglected….
Any experience can be transformed into something of value. Everything depends on the way you look at things. You cannot have the success without the ….
Working with somebody who has a more interesting life than I do - and getting to take on that life temporarily - is an endlessly interesting way to h….
I am not in any way opposed to medieval studies (or for that matter Latin)..
The curvy woman likes to show skin in the right ways - and she should!.
The American people know that we cannot spend our way to prosperity..
Every place on earth has a frequency. It's not good or bad, it's just the way it is, and if you can attune yourself to that frequency, then you can f….
I'm pretty resigned to the fact that I never hear music the way anyone else does, and I no longer find it surprising..
I am a homophobe, though a mild and tolerant one, and a racist, though an even more mild and tolerant one, and those things are going to be illegal p….
The only proper way to eliminate bad habits is to replace them with good ones..
You can have the greatest player in terms of mastering an instrument and you could be yawning your head off when you hear them. So, it's not what you….
In the aftermath of September 11, and as the 9/11 Commission report so aptly demonstrates, it is clear that our intelligence system is not working th….
Don't try to give a funny opinion; give your opinion in a way that will be funny..
It is out of fashion in these days to look backward rather than forward. About the only American given to it is some unreconstructed Southerner, who ….