Judy Garland was just so delicious in every way and just so honest and generous..
If you could eat portions of pine trees, you could eliminate corn in many ways..
We exploit celebrities by caring about shallow things like whether they've gotten a facelift. And we violate their children constantly. But we also l….
To build community requires vigilant awareness of the work we must continually do to undermine all the socialization that leads us to behave in ways ….
In some ways we want definitions that can help protect our own interpretations of the genre..
I like kind of varied songs, not just the same song all the time. And I thought things like "Too Sentimental" is a different thing for us, but it wor….
Passion always finds a way. Follow your passion and everything else will work out..
Optimism and happiness are not the same thing, but they are becoming interchangeable, and it seemed to me that Voltaire's Candide gave me a way into ….
I am not in any way opposed to medieval studies (or for that matter Latin)..
The American people know that we cannot spend our way to prosperity..
I'm pretty resigned to the fact that I never hear music the way anyone else does, and I no longer find it surprising..
You can have the greatest player in terms of mastering an instrument and you could be yawning your head off when you hear them. So, it's not what you….
In the aftermath of September 11, and as the 9/11 Commission report so aptly demonstrates, it is clear that our intelligence system is not working th….
Don't try to give a funny opinion; give your opinion in a way that will be funny..
It is out of fashion in these days to look backward rather than forward. About the only American given to it is some unreconstructed Southerner, who ….
The love that interferes and knows not how to leave alone is a love alien to Nature's ways..
There's a sense of spontaneity, and no emphasis on jokes in this show. People generally talk the way they talk in life if you were in this particular….
There's also a certain rhythm to the way Jews talk that might be funny..
I am only six foot three, by the way..
The most wonderful gift one human being can give to another, is in some way, to make that person's life a little bit better to live..
Look there are going to be, there are already adjustment processes in place but the point is that you'll actually make them work and get satisfactory….