When the devil is shouting 'no way', get ready...the way is about to show up..
The easiest way to do something is properly..
Girls are not accustomed to jockeying for status in an obvious way; they are more concerned that they be liked..
You can measure distance by time. 'How far away is it?' 'Oh about 20 minutes.' But it doesn't work the other way. 'When do you get off work?' 'Around….
The camera is a fluid way of encountering that other reality.
Interviewers have to be work really hard to be good. They¹re more inclined to be bad. Generally, they can go either way, but interviewing on a whole ….
You no longer have much in the way of knowing what to do in a big, epic novel about the future, because nobody knows what the hell is going to happen..
As a kid, I loved storytelling, and I liked the way rappers would paint pictures..
Didn't they realize that the only way to change things was to act?.
It is in your self-interest to find a way to be very tender..
If we go for the easy way, then we never change..
So many of us feel like we're misfits until we finally find our tribe - the other people who are are strange in the same way - and suddenly everythin….
A lot of things which come with a high profile will always be criticised one way or another..
An easy way to get people to like you is to make them laugh..
There are so many ways to go wrong. All we've got are metaphors, and they're never exactly right. You can never just Say. The. Thing..
It's not just what you say that stirs people. It's the way that you say it..
The only way one can guarantee one's loyalty is love. Loyalty is beyond logic, really..
Tell everyone that your mistakes are art. You can get away with a lot that way..
It's a lot easier to get your way if you have more than one way..
My initial thoughts about what a title can do was to set mood and the prime underlying core of the film's story, to express the story in some metapho….
Being alone in nature is another way to feel the joy of beauty - and oneness with a greater whole..