Maybe they would look at each other and feel some odd yearning, but neither of them would know why. They would want to stop, but they would be embarr….
I mean putting yourself out there in the way of overwhelming happiness and knowing you're also putting yourself in the way of terrible harm. I'm scar….
It wasn't so hard being like your parents or 180 degrees the other way. What was hard was not being one way or the other..
I need noise and interruptions and irritation: irritation and discomfort are a great starter. The loneliness of doing it any other way would kill me..
The photography is not the aim of the work; the articulation of the work through photography is another way of understanding what's going on and what….
The Sufis say there are three ways to know fire - by hearing it described, by seeing it, or by being burned..
Fashion has a reason to be, because in fashion you can find new kinds of expression about human beings. It's my way to communicate..
Creating is a lonely thing in a lot of ways..
We have to achieve what we can, and if we haven't yet learned that we are not always going to get our way this could be frustrating..
Anytime you’re on the podium, it’s good..
I like to work with multiple sections because they lend themselves to the structure of the poem: its intensifications and arcs and closures. I feel l….
Many of the poets I most admire have a way of embodying their peculiar obsessions via landscape that can sometimes seem magical..
The mounted knight is irresistible; he would bore his way through the walls of Babylon..
As players, we always have a way to get back at you..
Make a choice of what you want, who you want to be and how you're going to do it. The universe will get out of your way..
I'm Indian all the way and always will be. I'm not going to stop fighting until I die, and I hope I'm a good example of a human being and of my tribe..
That's a weird way to torture yourself. Just watch a movie, over and over, that you hate. That's really funny - that's probably exactly what hell is ….
The English, the English, The English are best: So Up with the English and Down with the Rest!.
From this haunting feeling of being not wanted, which remained a recurrent haunt through life, I found two ways of escape, both of which in changing ….
I know that, physically, I'm a very demure-looking person. But I certainly have as much aggression or anger as the next person, and that's got to com….
And if there's anything movies can do in a way that I just love, and I love as an audience is, "Show me something I don't know about. Show me somethi….