There's a tremendous loss of talent to businesses who cannot make room for their employees to attend to family responsibilities. It really amounts to….
For me, the wheelchair symbolizes disability in a way a cane does not..
Perhaps the most important thing we can ever do in our lives is find a way to keep the wild-both the wild inside and the wild outside us-and tap into….
I'd like to be a truck driver. I think you could run your life that way. It wouldn't be such a bad way of doing it. It would offer a chance to be alo….
I don't know if I would do sequels. I almost feel like when I'm done with them, they're going to have to find their own way..
When I got back into show business in 1961, I felt - for obvious reasons - that nothing in my life went right, and I realized that millions of people….
Nothing we did in those days has caused a change." "Because of what we did, things remained as they were, rather than getting worse," I told him..
I get intrigued by a puzzle, and writing a book is the best way to solve it..
I would say is that kids know about Bernie Sanders and they`re off the radar.In the same way kids knew about Twitter before their parents did..
Forward, always forward, everywhere forward..
When there is nothing to fear is the time to begin fearing everything..
I define the American dream as the ability to imagine a way that you want your life to turn out, and have a reasonable hope that you can achieve that..
I didn't want to be the girl who posed in 'Playboy' and then - by the way - made some music..
Kirstie [Alley] saved me, in a way. [At the time], I had a terrible marriage, and I stayed at her house. She was wonderful - just a kind, big-hearted….
Do not be astonished at anything, even happiness..
When God decides its time, I guess he'll come for us..
Napoleon is dead - but Beethoven lives..
History had its own way of explaining things. The way historians explain things is by telling a story..
You see, I was never stage-struck the way most girls were..
I am one of the haunted..
I'm such a diva on set..