Unhappiness is bondage; therefore, happiness is freedom. The way to find happiness is through the cure. Therefore, it is only through the cure that o….
The only way to find happiness is to understand that happiness is not out there. It's in here. And happiness is not next week. It's now..
Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels; it is a way to avoid debate by claiming that the matter is already sett….
Finally, I would remind you to notice where the claim of consensus is invoked. Consensus is invoked only in situations where the science is not solid….
The best way to quiet a country is a good thrashing, followed by great kindness afterwards. Even the wildest chaps are thus tamed..
The cheapest and most efficient way of slowing down global warming is to protect and restore the forests, particularly the tropical forests.
My approach is I put God first; I say "God willing" all the time. The only way things will change is with God. So knowing that I can't really change ….
I feel that I've always done things the hard way, and I've always felt a lot of pride in earning everything that I have..
As a musician usually music is your way out..
People come up to me all the time in New York. Not for autographs, but to talk about movies, often in a very scientific way..
Marriage would change hardly anything between us, except that we would end our arguments in a much more satisfying way. And of course I would have ex….
Returning to the source is stillness, which is the way of nature. The way of nature is unchanging. Knowing constancy is insight..
I can't write on the road. I have to be home. I have to be around all those rusted tractors and dilapidated fences and things like that, because it j….
You don't have to appreciate me - I hope you underestimate me. That way, when I have a good game, it'll hit you even harder..
I'd address his way of trying to discourage Ian later. After all, he could have come up with something other than saying I was a whiny, smelly, trump….
A band is a great way to destroy a friendship, and a tour's a great way to destroy a band..
I have got to look at the flip side of things, because, in a way, music is always a conversation, you know? It's a conversation between the musician ….
Because I'm married and have kids, I feel like I sometimes get pegged as a choirboy or something, but I wouldn't exactly describe myself that way..
The best players will play. That's the way it will always be..
It's a good question, because to be believable is the only way that you could be successful..
Whether gods exist or not, there is no way to get absolute certainty about ethics. Without absolute certainty, what do we do? We do the best we can..