Anytime where you're challenged, physically or mentally, you rise to the occasion in different ways..
There is no way that we can understand it all. So the heart's response to that mystery is faith - a trust in the fundamental orderliness of the unive….
I read once that the voice is a mirror of our inner being. I can very much relate to that because, when you sing, you feel very exposed. You feel lik….
Filmmaking is just a very luxurious and efficient way of expressing yourself..
The person determined to love others will always find a way to do so..
[Afghanistan and Iraq] are still countries that are fragile enough that we're gonna have to partner with them in some way..
You should just evaluate the work and make your judgments accordingly. That's the way you do it in life and every other subject..
To be in opposition is not to be a nihilist. And there is no decent or charted way of making a living at it. It is something you are, and not somethi….
Count Basie isn't just a man, or even just a band. He's a way of life..
The only way to measure a lover is by the grandeur of the beloved..
E-readers are changing the way we read, and the author is now required to get out there and be a kind of showman, an unlikely role for introspective ….
I love stand-up more than anything, and I'm so happy to have found a way to use it in the show..
But sometimes we have to make the best of things, and the way we conduct ourselves when the chips are down..
Begin with dhyana, with meditation, and end in samadhi, in ecstasy, and you will know what God is. It is not a hypothesis, it is an experience. You h….
I go the way that Providence dictates with the assurance of a sleepwalker..
Had anyone told me that I was going to have a career in business, I would have said, 'No way.'.
Dear young friends, learn to pray every day: this is the way to know Jesus and invite him into your lives..
If you must begin then go all the way, because if you begin and quit, the unfinished business you have left behind begins to haunt you all the time..
The thing that I'm always left with is this overwhelming desire for people to be rooted and the only way that they feel rooted is through another per….
Most good things happen with time; especially music, which needs time to breathe and to find its own way..
There is nothing better than strolling down the beach the way God made you..