Occupation: Psychologist Birth: January 8, 1902 Death: February 4, 1987
Most of us consist of two separated parts, trying desperately to bring themselves together into an integrated soma, where the distinctions between mi….
Over the years, however, the research evidence keeps piling up, and it points strongly to the conclusion that a high degree of empathy in a relations….
Experience is, for me, the highest authority..
The facts are always friendly, every bit of evidence one can acquire, in any area, leads one that much closer to what is true..
I am increasingly an architect of self. I am free to will and choose. I can, through accepting my individuality... become more of my uniqueness, more….
The elements in a relationship which seem impossible to share, the secretly disturbing, dissatisfying elements, are the most rewarding to share. This….
When I look at the world I'm pessimistic, but when I look at people I am optimistic..
If I can listen to what he can tell me, if I can understand how it seems to him; if I can see its personal meaning for him, if I can sense the emotio….
It is that the individual has within him or herself vast resources for self-understanding, for altering the self-concept basic attitudes, and his or ….
The education situation which most effectively promotes significant learning is one in which (1) threat to the self of the learner is reduced to a mi….
Neurotic behavior is quite predictable. Healthy behavior is unpredictable..
I realize that if I were stable, prudent and static; I'd live in death. Therefore I accept confusion, uncertainty, fear and emotional ups and downs; ….
There is another peculiar satisfaction in really hearing someone: It is like listening to the music of the spheres, because beyond the immediate mess….
It is astonishing how elements that seem insoluble become soluble when someone listens, how confusions that seem irremediable turn into relatively cl….
If I were to search for the central core of difficulty in people as I have come to know them, it is that in the great majority of cases they despise ….
The state of empathy, or being empathic, is to perceive the internal frame of reference of another with accuracy and with the emotional components an….
The action of the child inventing a new game with his playmates; Einstein formulating a theory of relativity; the housewife devising a new sauce for ….
Though modern Marriage is a tremendous laboratory, its members are often without preparation for the partnership function. How much agony and remorse….
I hear the words, the thoughts, the feeling tones, the personal meaning, even the meaning that is below the conscious intent of the speaker. Sometime….
True empathy is always free of any evaluative or diagnostic quality. This comes across to the recipient with some surprise. "If I am not being judged….
I think my deepest criticism of the educational system . . . is that it's all based upon a distrust of the student. Don't trust him to follow his own….