Oh that simplicity and innocence its own unvalued work so seldom knows!.
When the mind is full of memories and preoccupied by the future, it misses the freshness of the present moment. In this way, we fail to recognize the….
I don't like dudes. Not even for 1 second..
Faith is only as good as the one in whom it's invested..
If somebody says, "Oh, we're going to improvise!," I'm like, Oh, get me out of here..
True refinement seeks simplicity..
Converse with a mind that is grandly simple, and literature looks like word-catching. The simplest utterances are worthiest to bewritten, yet are the….
Strive for simplicity. You never have to fix what you leave out..
I relish simplicity as an all-comprehensive value..
I'm usually pretty open about what's going on with me..
THANK YOU everyone for supporting me and getting me in the top 3!!!! I love y'all!!!.
If you can't describe your strategy in twenty minutes, simply and in plain language, you haven't got a plan. 'But,' people may say, 'I've got a compl….
It wasn't that I had gotten it right . . . but that I had gotten true..
Some things that are true are not very useful..
I'm so uncoordinated..
But there are spirits of a yet more liberal culture, to whom no simplicity is barren. There are not only stately pines, but fragile flowers, like the….
It's amazing how many people even today use a computer to do something you can do with a pencil and paper in less time..
Oh yeah, I'm literally walking through my house now looking down and there are maybe, like, 15 pairs on the floor. For real. Real talk. It's just sim….
Simplicity, wit, and good typography..
I believe that one of the great pleasures that we derive from voyaging is that of independence, and we have found that the best guarantee of that ind….
I'm not recognised much at all..