he beauty of this world [of comics] is there are so many stories to tell, and there's so many wonderful characters. Wonderful characters we haven't e….
But we weren't a phenomenon like the Beatles or Elvis Presley or the Rolling Stones: We were only as good as our last hit. We lived on our music and ….
I should like to suggest that at least on the face of it a stroke by stroke story of a copulation is exactly as absurd as a chew by chew account of t….
Reports by Politico, Bloomberg and other news outlets have raised inconsistencies in Melania Trump's immigration story..
I'm a filmmaker who is known for these ambiguous portraits that tell multiple sides of the story without really telling the audience what to think..
The ability to see our lives as stories rather than unrelated, random events increases the possibility for significant and purposeful action..
You have to remain open to the situation that you're filming otherwise you might miss the story..
To get down to the quick of it, respect motivates me - not success..
"No" isn't really a word I understand..
Accentuaute the positives - medicate the negatives..
I have more faith now than I ever had before..
I understand a lot of celebrities lose weight because they have the opportunity to get in shape and become healthier, but when you get so polished, y….
The day you stop learning is the day you begin decaying..
Knowledge comes from learning. Wisdom comes from living..
The answer is always in the entire story, not a piece of it..
A religion that doesn't discriminate wouldn't exist, because it wouldn't stand for anything..
I think that's why we're always so fascinated with criminal stories because there but for the grace of God it could be us..
I need to say to you. There are things in your life that only you will see, stories that only you will hear. If you don’t tell them or write them dow….
He that ceaseth to be a friend never was a good one..
God hides things by putting them near us..
When you have an important story to tell, the words you need seem to come of their own accord..