Each player on this team whether he shines in the spotlight or eats dirt on the line, must be an All-American..
Leaders must earn the trust of their teams, their organizations, and their stakeholders before attempting to engage their support..
We is always so much better than I..
When a leader buys his own excuses, he also, unfortunately, sells them to his team..
[G]lobal warming, that manufactured monomania..
I'm good for some things, bad for a lot of things..
There are good places to play and bad places..
One of your many jobs as manager is information conduit, and the rules are deceptively simple: for each piece of information you see, you must correc….
I like it when I strut..
It's a cliche that filmmaking is a team sport. However, let me say just say it again: filmmaking is a team sport..
I've been real fortunate to be on a lot of great teams..
I don't care how I got here. In the books, when you look at it 10 or 20 years from now, it's not going say how he got here, it's going to say he's he….
There have been ups and downs, but it has taught us a lot in life. Going with the team through those ups and downs is a terrific journey..
Don't anoint me when you can anoint yourself..
It's necessary, at some point, to destroy your beauty..
You have no beginning of time. It's always been there..
Let's take the work seriously, and not ourselves seriously..
If it's early in the game and the team's not doing well, I get frustrated when I don't get the ball, because I think I can spark the team and get the….
When Bob came through Cincinnati, he wanted a girl singer to be on his show. There was a local contest, and my sister and I entered, but Bob said, Ge….
Better to separate than never to marry..
There was one point in high school actually when I was on the chess team, marching band, model United Nations and debate club all at the same time. A….