The way to find justice is to deal fairly with other people and not worry about how they deal with you..
I believe that worrying about the problems plaguing our planet without taking steps to confront them is absolutely irrelevant. The only thing that ch….
Worrying about a problem is not a strategy for change..
There are points where you worry that you might be putting too much in and alienating the audience. But, funnily enough, some of those fears aren't c….
It really hit home that my parents felt as though they didn't have to worry anymore. They realized if you could win an Oscar, that was a good sign..
I never hear white writers get asked, 'Do you worry about how you represent white people?'.
Worry is a sustained form of fear caused by indecision.
You don't have to worry about the future, you don't worry about the past - you just explode..
Remember the good old days when the only bomb you had to worry about on a plane was the Rob Schneider movie?.
I've got to live my life. Bad things happen. I can't be sitting here worrying about it..
So, you play today! You don't worry about what's gone, 'cause that's already gone and you can't bring what's gone back. It doesn't happen that way. S….
I'm not going to worry about the Cure slipping down into the second division; it doesn't bother me because I never expected to be in the first divisi….
Every animal would rather die themselves than lose their offspring. But it's just genes, isn't it? All of our existence is spent worrying about the n….
People don't realize that by voting Republican, they voted against themselves....I worry that some people are entertained by the idea of this war. Th….
There are two kinds of worries - those you can do something about and those you can't. Don't spend any time on the latter..
It just makes it even harder for people to even approach the (open source) side, when they then end up having to worry about public humiliation..
If someone gets a bigger house, does that automatically make them happy? Maybe for a second. But then they worry about the bigger house and how to ta….
You'd never play Hamlet if you started worrying about who's played it before you..
I’ve learned not to worry about what might come next..
Worry is worthless. It can't change the past or control the future. It only spoils the moment..
I think about my family first. I want my family to not want for anything. I would like to make sure they have no worries..