I just try to keep rebounding the ball as much as I can. I just go out there and do what needs to be done and don't worry about my stats..
I always say, the only time you gotta worry about getting booed is when you're wearing a white uniform. And I've never been booed wearing a white uni….
Being fly is something that I consider myself. I would love to be at some point..
I think you and he need to talk. And once you do, I won’t have to worry about being jumped like a felon again.” Blay frowned. “He and I have nothing ….
Those involved with practical reactors, humbled by their experiences, speak less and worry more..
No one can tell me that I'm doing wrong..
A lot of the bunkering is designed more to save you than it is to penalize you..
Don't worry about the horse being blind, just load the wagon..
It's nice to have one worry marched to the wings and forcefully thrown into the alleyway..
Death hastens those who hasten death..
The size of your key ring is the size of your headaches. Si Redd once told me, "Every time you buy something you sell a piece of yourself." Why? Beca….
I didn't take a single business class. I learned on the job..
Don’t worry about achieving. Don’t worry about perfection. Just be there each moment as best you can..
...It's important to distinguish between "worry versus harm" when it came to privacy online..
Unless you're one of the five billionaires out there who don't have to worry about anything, every aspect of everything is stressful, no matter what ….
I'm a five-seasons griller! Did you know I added a new season? Living in Cali, I'm cooking in the yard all the time. I don't care what the weather is….
I can worry about anything..
Write straight into the emotional center of things. Write toward vulnerability. Don't worry about appearing sentimental. Worry about being unavailabl….
Of the future, man knows least; yet, about this, he worries most..
If I could just get Broom to cooperate, we could fly, Glo said. Then we wouldn't have to worry about traffic. Harry Potter didn't have to worry about….
My kids are very young. I'm sure there's a world of horror for me to worry about as they get older..