I will stand with Israel if they are attacked..
You have to hang on in periods when your style isn't popular, because if it's good, it'll come back, and you'll be a recognized beauty once again..
If a man can predict his own death and resurrection, and pull it off, I just go with whatever that man says.
Am I lying to you if I tell you the same lie I tell myself?.
I've discovered over the years that if my hair is all right, then generally speaking, so am I..
If you are too proud, you don't do business..
Does it not seem as if Mozart's works become fresher and fresher the oftener we hear them?.
If you educate women, family size tends to go down..
Generally, I'm a pretty positive, but like any other working person, if the jobs aren't coming in, I do get depressed..
It's almost as if our society values opinion over knowledge..
If love doesn't make a fool of us, what will?.
If you run from technology, it will chase you..
If you kneel before God, you will stand before men..
When I think about it, if I had to choose, I'd rather be happy than write..
If you go out to bat against Australia, they come at you hard..
I began to live as if there were no one save God and me in the world..
If it is solely an evolutionary convenience, there is really no such thing as good or evil..
If you don't have an album or you don't have any tune, you can't start..
If I were God, I certainly wouldn't want people to love me sentimentally. It's too unreliable..
Even if there is intelligent life somewhere, which perhaps there is, I'm agnostic about it, I don't know..
You who choose to lead must follow. But if you fall, you fall alone..