If I'd been whoring before class and waved a corset at him, no one would have thought twice about it!.
If hearts could shatter, mine just did..
If one has faith, one has everything..
Waste is only waste if we waste it..
If the God you believe in is not a sovereign God, then you really don't believe in God..
If we are truly humble , we will co-operate..
what's right? If you want something, you have the right to take it. If you want to do something, you have the right to do it..
If you don't leave, I'll get somebody who will..
God cannot be realizxd if there is the slightest trace of pride..
If words suffice not, blows must follow..
If you think it, the camera will see it..
If it stands the test of public scrutiny, do it... if it doesn't stand the test of public scrutiny then don't do it..
He wondered if she wondered if he were watching her..
If we don't hang together, by Heavens we shall hang separately.
It is very funny, but you do not always have to see people to love them. Just think about it, and see if it isn't so..
If there are rules, we're the ones making them. We can change them whenever we want to..
But if the choice I have to make comes down to you or me, I choose you. I always have. All my love, Patch.
If I don't buy it, I can't sell it..
I’m really alive! he thought. I never knew it before, or if I did I don’t remember!.
That doesn't matter. If it speaks to them and they get something positive from it, it's great..
Faith is personal if it's to be real..